Ariel Lin

Oh well, I don’t know who she is. But the front & back cover caught my attention instantly. Her name is 林依晨 (Lin I-chen / Ariel Lin), she is a Taiwanese actress / singer.
幸福遇見 (Xingfu yujian / Encounter of Happiness) is her debut album with her lovely debut single 甜蜜花園 (Tianmi huayuan / Sweet Garden), followed by the second single 螢火蟲 (Yinghuochong / Firefly), Come to Me, and 接近無限的藍 (jiejin wuxian de lan / closer to the unlimited blue). the album contains 10 Mandarin pop songs and one Korean version of the song 惡作劇 (Ezuoju / Mischief). The complimentary DVD contains three videos including the famous video 螢火蟲 in two versions; Regular version (5:30) and Summer Story version (10:00). Watching her video is blissful just like her album’s title.