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Experience the day the world went quiet. When New York City comes under attack from an alien invasion, a woman and other survivors try to find a way to safety. They soon learn that they must remain absolutely silent as the mysterious creatures are drawn to the slightest sound. A film by Michael Sarnoski, starring Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff, and Djimon Hounsou.


Michael Sarnoski


Samira (Lupita Nyong’o), a poet battling terminal cancer, lives quietly with her cat Frodo. When Reuben (Alex Wolff), a nurse at Little First Hospice Center, suggests she join other patients for a show in New York City, she’s reluctant at first. But the promise of a detour to a pizzeria afterwards is enough to change her mind.

After the show, Samira heads to a nearby pet shop to grab a treat for her cat. As she’s paying, she notices several military vehicles rumbling past the store. Puzzled, she hurries back to the theater, where Reuben meets her with a worried expression. He tells her about some sort of situation developing in the city and they want everyone return to the center immediately.

Hungry and hoping for a quick pizza stop, Samira suggests grabbing a slice on the way. Reuben, however, insists that there’s no time for detours. Frustrated but sensing the urgency, she boards the waiting bus.

As the last passenger boards, the bus inches through the congested city streets before grinding to a complete halt. Samira notices a commotion at the back of the bus, where elderly passengers are crowding around the windows, their faces a mix of awe and concern. Curious, she makes her way down the aisle to see what’s caught their attention.

In the sky above, strange meteor-like objects are streaking downward, leaving fiery trails in their wake. Suddenly, a blinding flash erupts as one of the objects slams into the ground nearby. The world around her explodes. The shockwave hits the bus violently. The last thing she registers is a deafening roar before everything fades to black.

Moments later, Samira’s eyes flutter open, her head throbbing. Dust hangs thick in the air, coating every surface of the now-empty, mangled bus. Dazed and disoriented, she stumbles to her feet and carefully picks her way through the debris to the broken door.

As she steps outside, an eerie silence greets her. The once-bustling city is barely recognizable, shrouded in a dense fog of dust and mist. In the distance, heavy booms punctuate the quiet at irregular intervals, each one sending a chill down her spine.

Soon, Samira realizes something lurks in the mist – strange creatures that hunt and kill humans. An ambulance is attacked. The vehicle flips and explodes, knocking Samira unconscious again.

Samira regains consciousness within the confines of the theater. As she attempts to speak, Henri (Djimon Hounsou) swiftly covers her mouth, gesturing for silence. It becomes apparent that survivors have sought refuge in the theater. She is reunited with Reuben and, unexpectedly, her cat Frodo.

The group’s attention is drawn to a military announcement emanating from a helicopter passing overhead. The message is clear and dire: civilians are advised to seek shelter, maintain absolute silence, and await further instructions.

The announcement emphasizes the deadly nature of the attackers, leaving no doubt about the gravity of the situation. The survivors exchange solemn glances, comprehending that their continued existence now hinges on their ability to remain utterly quiet in the face of this unprecedented threat.

Written and directed by American filmmaker Michael Sarnoski, working from a story he co-developed with John Krasinski, A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE is the third installment in the A QUIET PLACE film series, but it takes a fresh approach.

The film builds on the world and characters originally created by Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. This spin-off serves as a prequel, introducing new protagonists and telling a standalone story mostly unconnected to the previous two films.

A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE is an ambitious attempt to expand the universe established by its predecessors. The film introduces us to a new set of characters, with Lupita Nyong’o as Samira and Joseph Quinn as Eric, at the helm.

For Quinn, this marks a significant leap from his supporting roles, and while he delivers a commendable performance, the weight of the film primarily rests on Nyong’o’s shoulders. Her portrayal of a terminally ill woman fighting for survival is both heartbreaking and powerful. The chemistry between Nyong’o and Quinn is palpable, adding a layer of intimacy to the otherwise high-octane action sequences.

Sarnoski deserves credit for infusing a blockbuster sci-fi film with elements of heartwrenching melancholy. This departure from the genre’s typical tropes is refreshing. However, while the emotional depth is commendable, it doesn’t quite compensate for the lack of the same high stakes that defined the previous films. The sacrifices made in the original A QUIET PLACE and its sequel were visceral and unforgettable, raising the emotional ante to unprecedented heights.

The film’s narrative, centered around a dying woman’s quest to visit a childhood pizzeria, is undeniably compelling. It offers a unique perspective on survival, one grounded in personal longing rather than familial protection. Yet, the protagonist’s terminal illness and pervasive pessimism make it challenging to fully invest in her journey. It’s difficult to root for a character who seems resigned to their fate.

A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE is a visually impressive film with strong performances, but it struggles to match the emotional resonance of its predecessors. While it offers a new perspective on the alien invasion, it feels like a detour rather than a necessary expansion of the franchise.

A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE premiered at the Tribeca Festival on 26 June 2024. It was theatrically released in the United States on 28 June.
