Will & Grace
1998 | Max Mutchnick & David Kohan
Will & Grace is an American sitcom series. The show takes place in New York, focusing on Will Truman (Eric McCormack), a gay lawer and his best friend, the interior designer, Grace Adler (Debra Messing). The story also involves their friends, Karen Walker (Megan Mullally), a rich socialite who works as Grace’s assistant but she never really does anything, and Jack McFarland (Sean Hayes), a gay actor/singer/dancer.
So the story is pretty much involving with these four main characters, and sometimes with special guests (which is considerably normal for sitcom). There are several gags which are funny as hell, although there are also some of the gags, I don’t even understand. Overall, it’s a fun to watch sitcom.
Season one starts with the event when Grace gets an unexpected marriage and seeks out Will’s opinion which leads to her breakup. Later, she moves in to live with Will.