The Messengers
2007 | Danny Pang & Oxide Pang
The rollins family has mysteriously disappeared from their house. The rumors say they just packed up and left. Nobody has found them ever since. Several years later, Solomons family has moved from Chicago to rebuild their lives. Jess (Kristen Stewart), the daughter of Solomons suddenly finds herself seeing terrifying stuff. She is trying to tell her parents about it but nobody believes her because of her previous trouble that she made in the past. Will she be able to save everyone before it is too late?
Well, I am glad that I watch this film at home. Still i feel like a waste of time. There is nothing original or whatsoever in this film. Everything looks like rip-off from other classic horror films. The ending is just plain stupid. Please avoid this film at any cost. Dear Kristen Stewart, I feel sorry that you alone cannot make this film a good one to watch.