
State of Play

Kevin Macdonald

State of Play

5000 2000 PRADT

State of Play
2009 | Kevin Macdonald

State of Play

State of Play is an American political thriller film adapted from six-episode 2003 British television series. The film begins with two mysterious men get shots in the alley. one of them dies at the scene, another one is the witness, alive but he is left in coma. The following morning, a young woman named ‘Sonia Baker’ is killed by a subway train, the evidence leads to a suicide. She is the lead researcher under congressman Stephen Collins in the investigation of Pointcorp, a private defense contractor with suspicious operations involving mercenaries.

Pointcorp operation generates multi-billion dollars annually, and the reporter Cal McAffrey (Russell Crowe) who is also an old college friend of Stephen Collins (Ben Affleck) believes that Pointcorp has motives and intends to stop Collins at all cost. Cal with the help of his young colleague, Della Frye (Rachel McAdams) have to fetch all the facts and evidence to prove the connection between Pointcorp and the tragic incidents. They are running out of time to get the story, as the deadline for the press is closing in.

Fine cast includes Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, my favorite actress Rachel McAdams, and Hellen Mirren. State of play is an enjoyable film to watch. It is not a great thriller, but it is definitely a good one with believable subplots and twist. As far as I know this film has not been released in Thai cinemas and probably never will. You can either catch it on DVD or Blu-ray.