2010 | Chris Columbus
Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman) is a young boy who just discovers that he is actually a demigod, half human and half God. His father is Poseidon (Kevin McKidd), one of the Greatest Three (Zeus, hades, and poseidon). He has 14 days to return the almighty weapon master bolt as Zeus (Sean Bean) believes that Percy Jackson is the thief. If Percy fails to do so, there will be an apocalyptic battle between Gods and all human will perish.
The film is an adaptation of The Lightning Thief, the first novel in the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. The director Chris olumbus did an average job turning the novel into somewhat entertaining fantasy film with good special effects. The plot is kind of shallow but I did enjoy watching this film. Since I am always fond of ancient Greek mythology, this film makes me want to read the whole series of Percy Jackson.