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Salem teens discover a cursed knife, unleashing a demon that forces them to play gruesome, deadly versions of childhood games where there can be no winners, only survivors. A film by Eren Celeboglu & Ari Costa, starring Asa Butterfield, Natalia Dyer, Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, Laurel Marsden, Kolton Stewart, Erik Athavale, Matthew Lupu, Sydney Sabiston, and Annabeth Gish.


Eren CelebogluAri Costa


In Salem, infamous for the witch trials that saw women accused of witchcraft hung, burned, and drowned, there once existed a lesser-known tale of a mysterious knife believed to be cursed. Its myth has largely been lost to time. Over time, the knife became a relic of Salem’s dark past, its existence dismissed as mere folklore. Yet, whispers of its malevolent power persisted, carried on the wind like the lingering scent of brimstone.

Jonah Fletcher (Benjamin Evan Ainsworth) is on his way home when he hears an eerie voice whispering his name. Intrigued, he follows the enigmatic voice, which leads him to an abandoned house. Inside, he discovers a knife made of human bone hidden inside a rustic iron stove, along with a diary. His brother Marcus (Asa Butterfield) warns him to put the knife back, believing it could be linked to satanists, but Jonah is drawn to the mysterious object and disobeys his brother.

Jonah is at home, using an old toothbrush to clean the knife. As he scrubs away the grime, he is suddenly overwhelmed by a vision of dead people. He is shaken but determined to continue cleaning it. As he works, he notices something strange about the blade. There is an inscription carved into it. The words are crudely carved, but they are clear enough to read: “I WILL PLAY. I WON’T QUIT.” Jonah reads the words aloud, and a chill runs down his spine, a series of gruesome images and demonic voices flood his mind. It is revealed that Jonah just read an incantation, and that he has unleashed a vengeful spirit.

The demonic spirit seizes control of Jonah, compelling him to devise a plan to ensnare everyone else in the house under the incantation’s spell. Marcus, Billie (Natalia Dyer), Sophie (Laurel Marsden), Pete (Kolton Stewart), and Bob (Erik Athavale), all fall victim to vengeful spirit’s cunning scheme, unwittingly joining the sinister game. As the incantation takes hold, Marcus becomes possessed by an evil spirit, transforming him into the game’s master. With a chilling command, Marcus forces the group into a deadly game where the stakes are life or death. One by one, the players are eliminated, their lives snuffed out as they succumb to the game’s cruel rules.

This film offers no fun, and the games are utterly boring, I mean, hide-and-seek? Seriously? When crafting a new folklore, it’s crucial to establish a compelling backstory. A series of flashbacks featuring eerie ghost children does not suffice; they’re not even remotely terrifying, merely annoying at best.

In the realm of games, one expects established rules, yet this film seems devoid of them. The haunting child spirit appears to possess unrestricted powers. The script reaches an absurd pinnacle when the witch mother’s spirit emerges from the shadows, demanding that the victims read the diary. It makes no sense whatsoever. We don’t need every detail meticulously explained.

Asa Butterfield delivers a captivating performance, but he alone cannot save the film. ALL FUN & GAMES fails to establish any emotional connection between its characters. The deaths of the supporting characters lack any real impact, as they are not closely related to the protagonist’s family.

ALL FUN & GAMES was theatrically released in the United States on 1 September 2023, by Vertical Entertainment.