
The Final Destination

David R. Ellis

The Final Destination

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The Final Destination
2009 | David R. Ellis

…And the death can be moronic comedy.

The Final Destination

Yes, the final destination is the 4th attempt for final destination series. The Final Destination follows the same pattern as the previous one, it is a story of a group of people gathering at a venue, a member of the group suddenly has premonition and tries to alert others, some believe, some do not. Then the disaster strikes and those who are still alive soon will die accordingly. Now the death is rising again, and this time it is coming in 3D.

Premonition is the key in this series, there is nothing new or interesting about that anymore. In the 4th installment the premonition seems to be stronger, it is not just telling us who is going to die next, it also shows how that person is going to die. When we all know what is going to happen next, it becomes boring. The only creativity in this film would be 3D… Unfortunately all 3D scenes were rendered pathetically. It was like watching cartoon-ish things flying around for the reason to be called as the first film in the series that was shot in 3d. The script is horrifying, no cleverness can be found. The special effect is lousy.

I hope this would be the last one for the series, the latest attempt is considerably worse than the third one. If there was really gonna be a next one, it should go straight to DVD.

an alien on the hunt for his next favorite movie