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When Ray discovers that his wife is cheating on him, he decides he’s going to kill himself. His plans suddenly change when a stranger mistakes him for a hitman. A film by Shane Atkinson, starring John Magaro, Steve Zahn, Galadriel Stineman, Matthew Del Negro, Megan Stevenson, Brad Leland, Emily Pendergast, Alex Knight, Alen Kolenovic, Darcy Shean, Brannon Cross, Vic Browder, and Dylan Baker.


Shane Atkinson


At night, while driving on a dark road, Harry (Dylan Baker) notices a pick-up truck with its hood opened, parked on the side of the road. It seems like the truck is broken down. Harry drives his car passed it. A moment later, Harry sees a hooded man walking along the side of the road. Cautious, Harry slows down his vehicle. The hooded man suddenly steps in front of Harry’s car, causing him to slam the brake.

The mysterious man walks to the passenger side of Harry’s car, then he tells Harry that his truck broke down and asks if Harry could give him a lift. Reluctantly, Harry unlocks the door and brings the mysterious man along with him. During the journey to town, they exchange small talk. The man mentions noticing Harry’s hesitation to pick him up and that it’s understandable, given his appearance, he could be a deranged maniac. Harry is stunned. Then the man laughs, revealing it was a joke.

Harry playfully counters that he could be the dangerous one, the one who punched a hole in the man’s radiator at the gas station, causing his breakdown. The man suddenly feels uncomfortable and demands that Harry stop the car. It turns out Harry is the hitman hired to kill the man. In the next scene, while Harry is shoveling, presumably to bury the body, he receives a call from his agent informing him that his next job is in LaRoy, Texas.

Leroy is a small town located in Hill County and McLennan County in central Texas. As of 2024, the population of Leroy is estimated to be 363. The town has a rural character, with 100% of its population living in rural area.

At a local diner in LaRoy, Texas, Ray (John Magaro) meets his older brother’s childhood friend Skip (Steve Zahn), who now works as a private detective. Skip hands Ray an envelope containing a set of photos of Ray’s wife, Stacy-Lynn (Megan Stevenson). Skip claims he accidentally took them during a stakeout at a local motel, the Velvet Saddle, suggesting Stacy-Lynn is having an affair. Although Skip doesn’t know the person Stacy-Lynn met at the motel as he left before she came out of the room. Ray, however, is unable to accept the fact, instead becoming upset and lashing out at Skip for taking the photos without anyone hiring him to do so. Ray leaves the diner carrying the envelope.

Distraught by his wife Stacy-Lynn’s suspected infidelity, the bank’s refusal for a loan for her dream salon, and his jealousy of his brother Junior’s wealth and new boat, Ray impulsively heads to a local gun store to buy a gun. He then drives his car to the Velvet Saddle’s parking lot, contemplating ending his life. However, before he can pull the trigger, a pickup truck pulls in and parks behind his car.

A stranger emerges and gets into Ray’s car, mentioning he’s early. Mistakenly thinking Ray is the hitman he’s supposed to meet, the stranger hands him an envelope filled with cash and a piece of paper with an address. He emphasizes the time sensitivity of the job, insisting it be done by tomorrow. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, Ray takes the opportunity and pretends to be the hitman, accepting the job. After the stranger leaves, Harry pulls into the motel parking lot, his car coming to rest next to Ray’s. The two make eye contact as Ray slowly drives away.

Harry, concerned about his missing client, contacts his agent for the client’s phone number. He discovers the call originated from a payphone in a local strip club. Meanwhile, Ray drives to the address on the note. As he prepares to leave, he sees his target, lawyer James Barlow (Vic Browder), exiting the house. Ray decides to follow him. James stops by his office, leaving again with a briefcase. Ray tails him to a local bar, where he bumps into Skip, who throws him off track. Returning to his car, Ray believes he’s lost James. But James appears behind him and delivers a knockout punch.

A moment later, Ray regains consciousness to find himself in the passenger seat of his car. James sits in the driver’s seat, holding photos of Stacy-Lynn he found in the envelope. He scrutinizes Ray, demanding answers: who is she, why is Ray following him, and who hired him? Ray denies everything. James becomes agitated and tried to strangle Ray with his bare hands. Panicked, Ray opens the glovebox where he keeps his revolver. He pulls the trigger, killing James instantly. Ray drives away with the body on the passenger seat. He ditches James’ body on a deserted stretch of road in the middle of the night.

Ray rushes to Junior’s house, hoping his brother would help him out of the situation, but Junior (Matthew Del Negro) isn’t home. Junior’s wife Kayla (Emily Pendergast) invites him inside and enlightens him with the shocking truth that Junior has been cheating on her with Ray’s wife. However, Ray is still so blindly in love with Stacy-Lynn that he refuses to believe it.

Meanwhile, at the diner, Harry is listening to his police radio scanner and learns that the police discover a body of an unidentified male. Harry drives his car to the crime scene, pretending to be a clueless civilian who just passes by. Two local police officers Potter (Alen Kolenovic) and Stevens (Alex Knight) approach Harry’s car, warning him to move along as he is stopping at the active crime scene. Police officer Potter accidentally blurts out the crucial information that the victim, James, is dead by gunshot. The police also find a photograph of Stacy-Lynn clutched in the victim’s hand.

Brian Tiller (Brannon Cross), the man who mistakenly hired Ray, breaks into James’ house to steal money James kept in the safe, only to discover it’s already empty. Recognizing the Jepson’s Hardware polo shirt Ray wore on the night they met, Tiller traces him back to the store. There, he confronts Ray about the money he believes Ray stole from the safe. Denied any knowledge of the money, Brian threatens to anonymously report to the police the identity of James’ killer if Ray doesn’t bring him the money within 24 hours.

Desperate and unsure of his next move, Ray decides to leave the store. He runs into Skip, who’s been waiting for him in the parking lot. Skip reveals he saw Ray follow James out of the bar the night before the murder. Ray spills everything to Skip, including the accidental shooting in self-defense against James’ attack. Skip offers to assist Ray in finding the money Brian thinks he stole. Ray initially refuses, but changes his mind when Skip suggests a second option: going to the police and telling them everything he knows about James Barlow’s last known whereabouts.

Written and directed by American filmmaker Shane Atkinson, LaRoy is a hilariously dark comedic detective story. We follow Ray, an unlikely protagonist whose baffling decisions send him spiraling into a violent rabbit hole of lies and deceptions. The film unfolds like a great detective plot, filled with unexpected twists and turns that leave us on the edge of our seats, wondering how it will all play out.

The supporting cast shines with convincing performances. These include Skip (Steve Zahn), an aspiring private detective determined to prove himself despite mockery from real police officers. Harry (Dylan Baker) portrays a contract killer with a menacing aura and unpredictable moves. Even with limited screen time, Angie (Galadriel Stineman) leaves a memorable and entertaining impression.

Ray’s character turns out to be the weakest. His unbelievable lapses in judgment test our patience. His stubborn faith in his wife’s fidelity, despite all evidence to the contrary, borders on delusion. He blindly believes that if he can acquire the money, it would mend their fragile relationship and everything would be alright then. There’s a point where the audience might be tempted to reach into the screen and shake some sense into him. Fortunately, John Magaro’s charming performance makes Ray an endearing mess, and we endure his flaws throughout the film.

LaRoy premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival on 8 June 2023. The film received a limited theatrical release in the United States on 12 April 2024.