
Corpse Bride

Tim Burton

Corpse Bride

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Corpse Bride

2005 | Tim Burton

“It’s a beautiful day. It’s a rather nice day. A day for a glorious wedding. A rehearsal my dear, to be perfectly clear. A rehearsal for a glorious wedding. Assuming nothing happens that we don’t really know that nothing unexpected interferes with the show. And that’s why every thing, every last little thing, every single tiny microscopic little thing must go… according to plan, our son will be married. According to plan, our family carried, elevated to the heights of society”

One of my most anticipated films in this year, Tim burton’s Corpse Bride is truly tremendous!

It’s a story of a man named Victor Van Dort (Johnny Depp) whose his parents arrange to marry him off to Victoria Everglot (Emily Watson). And they never met each other before. On the rehearsal day, Victor can’t seem to remember his lines properly so he goes out and practice in the gloomy forest where he put the wedding ring on a twig which turns out to be the finger of Emily, the Corpse Bride (Helena Bonham Carter). Then the grave misunderstanding begins to roll.

Every scene, actually, every bit, in the film is incredibly creative and well-crafted. Music accompanied by Danny Elfman blends perfectly with the story. I really like the first song and the scene with a piano in the bar. Tim Burton and his team has brought stop-motion effect to another level. all of the characters are deformed and twisted gorgeously.

The scene where Emily, the Corpse Bride appears for the first time is just beyond my imagination. This scene is my most favorite. It’s creepy, ghoulish and gloomy. Yet it’s wonderful, it’s fantastic, it’s miraculous! Tim Burton is a genius!

This dark and gloomy tale with a glimpse of happiness will fill your heart and make you smile. If you love “Nightmare Before Christmas,” it’s likely that you are gonna love “Corpse Bride” as well.

an alien on the hunt for his next favorite movie